The Peanut Gallery

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Curtain Call

My time here in Page is finally coming to an end. School ends on the 26th and I can't be more ready to go. Last friday I learned that the show I have been desperately trying to produce for the end of the year will not come to pass. I have been having problems keeping a full cast since the end of december. Even now I only had six out of the eight I needed to do the play. With drama being an after school only program, my talent pool was not very deep. Those I did have were dedicated and did come but the numbers game got to them too and with the show on deck for May 12th, they had concerns as I did. I finally decided to change the format of the play so it was more live, more interactive and more freewheeling. The show would have a CLUE theme and a variety show feel. Unfortunately, that idea didn't go over well. So its with a bit of a broken heart that I write this. I feel sad for those who did come to participate, looking forward to a great show. I feel for my upperclassmen who deserved a big production to go out on. The ego of the performer in me who knows anything is possible in theatre is a little bruised as well. It is much different keeping a group together than it is to just motivate yourself to stick with something no matter the odds. Drama did garner enough interest for it to become integrated back into the school's curriculum next year so in that respect I feel I was able to make a difference. I just won't be here to teach it since the slot now goes to a full-time teacher. I always had drama class to look forward to when I was in school and now the kids here will have that as well. I figure one last get together of the cast from Arsenic and Old Lace, CLUE and the tech crew to say thanks and then i'll ride off into the sunset.
I'll miss the kids as I did learn much from them and hopefully I was able to pass on a few things that will stick with them as well. This venture has awakened my need for the stage and I am ready to go to Phoenix and dominate the scene as a performer. I can feel it within me that now is the time. By the time this year is over I expect to have at least ten stand-up performances and another theatre or movie credit under my belt.
I came, I saw, I taught. Now its time to move forward and put small-town living behind me. I miss my metropolises. I miss having great looking single women to choose from (even if the do all say no), I miss having everything only a matter of blocks away in any direction. Phoenix, The Greg One is coming! Lock up your daughters! Bring out your dead! And make sure the cameras are rolling...

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