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Thursday, September 17, 2009

NFL season prediction

Welcome back to the Gallery friends and neighbors. Though we're a week into the NFL season there is one last fearless forecast to be made. The Greg One is going to make you smarter just from reading this. Call your bookies and get paid because no one will see this Super Bowl happening. First, we're going to go around the horn and get the straight dirt on everybody. My prediction didn't waver even after week one and this is the pick i'm taking to the house this season. Want to see where your team rates? Read on. We'll start in the NFC because the NFC is the weaker conference which leaves more room for parity so NFC fans be happy. Your team will be in the hunt a lot longer than in the AFC because most teams are evenly mediocre.
The NFC East will be the most evenly matched division in football, not because those teams are all great, but because all those teams play the same way. Run first, pass second and hope the defense can make a difference. Dallas will need time to figure out who they are. Romo is only good in the regular season, the defense added some talent but still need help and a fleet of unproven wide receivers will not help their cause any. Philadelphia go as McNabb and Westbrook go. One is down and Westbrook gets hurt almost every season. Throw Michael Vick into the mix and there are plenty combustible elements to keep Sportscenter in lead stories all season. The New York Giants lost key components in Burress and Ward and now rely on untested wideouts and Eli Manning, Brandon Jacobs to get the job done. If this team survives and gets into the playoffs it will be on the strength of their defense. Washington will suck again. 'Nuff said. Eagles will take the division by one game over the Giants.
The NFC North will be decided by week 13. Minnesota will have a two game lead on the Packers. Chicago will fail miserable under Cutler (think losing record) and Detroit will be Detroit but they will win three games. Favre and Peterson will get the Vikings to an 11-5 record. By the way, Matt Forte was a fluke and he will have pedestrian numbers this year. Think 1100 yards and 8-9 td's. Chicago will be in the bottom third in offense by year's end.
The NFC South will be a runaway success for the New Orleans Saints. The Saints will lead the league in offense again. Atlanta will struggle to 8-8 and miss the playoffs. Carolina and Tampa need not apply, its rebuilding time and no more than seven wins for either team.
The NFC West will be competitive. In the end it will be a race between Seattle and the Cardinals. Slight edge goes to the Cardinals for having a better defense as long as no key players go down. San Francisco could play spoiler. The Niners will be better this season but are still two seasons away from contending. One game will separate first from second. Division winner will be 10-6 and the runner up 9-7. For now, go with Arizona.
In the AFC East, the Patriots will win the division easily. The Jets will go through growing pains with Sanchez. (Growing pains=losses) The Dolphins will not see the success with the Wildcat offense now that opponents have had an offseason to prepare and Buffalo will be swallowed up by Hurricane T.O. once the losses start to mount and will do no better than 6-10.
In the AFC North, Pittsburgh will still be the team to beat. The Ravens will challenge and finish tied with Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh will win the tiebreaker due to a low-scoring season sweep of the Ravens. Cincinnati and Cleveland will finish below .500 as usual.
In the AFC South Indianapolis will get a run for their money but will win the division by two games. The Jags need a better quarterback, more firepower at wide receiver and a change of pace back for Maurice Jones Drew because his body will be in bad shape by the end of the season being out of the timeshare with Fred Taylor. Tennessee will fail due to lack of a passing game. Houston is a team on the rise and will take one game from each team in their division. Houston finishes second, Titans third and Jags come in last.
In the AFC West, San Diego will not be contested for the division crown, winning by at least three games. Kansas City will lead the three also rans in the win column with six. LJ is not the back he once was and Cassel will need a season to adjust to his subpar team. Denver is looking for their identity but won't find it with Kyle Orton at quarterback. Orton will be one of the league leaders in interceptions like his predecessor Cutler will in Chicago. The running game will still be nonexistent and Marshall will pull a T.O. and throw everyone under the bus except himself. The Raiders will still be the Raiders which means they will suck again. As a hardcore Charger fan, it prides The Greg One to say all is right with the world. The sky is Carolina blue, the birds are singing and its 8:21 pm on Thursday September 17 and the Raiders are still our bitches!!
Its been the Chargers year for the last three years but untimely injuries to LT have resulted in playoff exits despite deep playoff runs. With Sproles to share the load, San Diego's already potent offense, the Merriman-led defense and the yearly improvement of Philip Rivers will surpass New England's potholed defense and Pittsburgh's low scoring offense. Most importantly, LT will be healthy for the playoffs and finally show why reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. San Diego will finally be the AFC representative in the Super Bowl.
In the NFC champion will come from a very unexpected location. Defense be damned, offense will rule this season and NEW ORLEANS will overcome the Giants and the Vikings on the way to the Super Bowl. The Super bowl will feature a matchup of the Chargers last two quarterbacks, Drew Brees and Philip Rivers. The fireworks show they hold before the game and at halftime will pale in comparison to the fireworks on the field as both teams will trade jaw-dropping plays routinely. In the most exciting Super Bowl in recent memory, San Diego will outlast the New Orleans 40-34. I'm sure this sounds like a homer call from the resident Charger fanatic but this season bears it out. Now go forth and take the odds while they're still long. See you all on easy street.

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