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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Leave Tiger Woods alone!

For the last two weeks the most reclusive pro athlete on the planet has been the center of the news world. Every media outlet in the world is passing judgement on Tiger Woods. As we now know, Tiger had extra-marital affairs with numerous women if even half of the women who have come forward aren't lying. Now Tiger's cover, and his image, has been blown to smithereens.
The Greg One is not here to defend Tiger, or bury him. Tiger has been the only reason to watch golf no matter what anyone says. Forget about some no-name coming out of the woodwork to win a major. No Tiger means no viewers. As a black man its been awesome watching the only pro black golfer on the planet destroy the good ol' boy network year after year. However, this is not about his game. This is about his personal life and the women that seem to emerge daily admitting they too had 'relations' with that man. Mr. Woods. We are actually having an 'I am Spartacus' moment unfolding before our very eyes. Who else will come forward? Jerry Lewis is jealous because Tigers' toteboard is going to be higher than his in another week.
What we are seeing is nothing new. Its only shocking because of WHO it is. Tiger worked hard to maintain his squeaky clean image and let as little be known about his life off the course as possible. Infidelity and pro athletes go together like steroids and baseball. Twilight and teeny boppers. Hugh Grant and Trannies. For a man who is such a control freak on the course, his woeful disorganization with these mistresses is baffling. Even if he couldn't keep them all organized, he's got enough money to pay someone to do that for him. Does my opinion of Tiger change? So he's not who we thought he was but how well do we know even our favorite athlete? We don't and you know what they say about those who assume. I will still linger on a golf tournament if Tiger is on the screen, same as before. Would I hang out with the man? Damn skippy I would! I'd probably become a millionaire just sitting next to the man!
If you're going to do something, DO IT BIG! If Tiger was going to put his reputation on the line he should have rolled in more exclusive circles. Forget the waitresses and hostesses. That's small time. Joe Blow can pull a waitress on the strength of a big tip. At least ARod used Madonna and Kate Hudson as his rebound chicks. That's doing it big. Pro athletes should not marry until they retire. Too much travel. Too many cities. Too much free time. Too much temptation. There's a big difference between playboy bachelor and adulterer. In truth, i'm disappointed in Tiger. Still a fan but like most of us men, he's in a fog when it comes to women. (Welcome to the club brother!) Now he has a hole the size of the Grand Canyon to get out of and for what? Waitresses. Damn.
Some think Tiger has a sex addiction. David Duchovny went to rehab for sex addiction. News flash. ALL men are sex addicts! Hello! McFly!! Any fool who goes to rehab for sex addiction needs to be separated from his money anyway. Just think, all this could have been avoided with a trip to the bunny ranch. A couple hours drive outside of Vegas and he could have been knee deep in freaky, top shelf, experienced and emotionally detached hotties. A hundred grand in a private account could have had him set for life and no worries about TMZ or a tell-all book on the horizon. An army of golddigging hoes are assembling like the army or orcs from Lord of the Rings preparing to march to their final destination, Checkbook Tiger.
Of course, The Greg One does not condone adultery. I'm only pointing out the holes in Tiger's logic. I guess there was no Groupie 101 at Stanford. What's happened between he and his wife should be left alone for them to figure out. No one but them knows what goes on behind the walls of that mansion and its a shame all of us are speaking for him. In the end, he will survive this too. It may happen through divorce, it may be with a 'Kobe Special' on Elin's finger, but he's still the greatest golfer on the planet and in a year, this will all be ancient history. May the force be with you Tiger. You're going to need every bit of it.

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