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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My resloution for the world

As most people do, I take part in the usually fruitless tradition of making New Year's Resolutions. Personally, I don't consider my New Year to begin until my birthday, March 2. Nevertheless, I still make a list in January which will be nowhere to be found in December. By actually posting this on my blog, there's no way to lose this unless Blogger itself dies. The jinx is on...
I've made the standard resolutons-Hit the gym, lose weight (even though my doctor says i'm the perfect weight for my build and height, I still want to fly across the basketball court and i'm not feeling it at 210...i'm thinking 187), practice random acts of kindness, get to that Charger home game this year, write more, find a woman to make my queen, learn a new language (or two) and play better poker. I'm winning a lot online but I think the true test is in live action. New year, same stuff everyone else strives for...but that's not where it ends.
The major resolution i've made is to follow the feeling i've had, ironically, since the beginning of the year. In my head and my heart I feel the stars and planets are finally aligned. That larger than life personality that dwells inside has finally reached maturity and its now time to let it fly. I've been a performer in some aspect all of my life. I have travelled all over the US jumping on stage wherever there is an opening. I've done stand-up in front hundreds of thousands of people, done tv, movies, radio, theatre and sang in bands. That need to be on stage doing what comes naturally has always been there and whenever I take the stage I go on thinking I am going to blow the doors off the building even if it doesn't happen. Two decades down, many more to go. All that time i've bided my time, feeling I will know when I am truly ready. You have to crawl before you walk. I've been walking for a while, but the path has been filled with those in line before me.
Not anymore...
The feeling is like a tingling in every fibre of my being. The god-like voice in my head has gone off like a buzzer and the message is crystal clear. Its time to put the rage on the stage. It's time to put all that time spent perfecting the craft into motion. It is time to show the world your greatness. Get an agent, record your shows, perform anywhere and everywhere and the world will notice. All that is left is to go out there and accept it. I wouldn't have this gift if I wasn't meant to present it to the masses and by the end of this year, the masses will know my name.
My resolution for the world is to fulfill my destiny. I will use my gift to make this life more enjoyable. The stage is where I feel most at home but with no one to watch its only a shell of what it should be. I will take you away from your problems if only for a little while, give you a new focus to laugh with (or at), a new channel to live through vicariously, to be worthy of the price of admission and be a paragon of virtue for all willing to follow my flag. This is MY time and I am going to use it wisely. On this day, January 31st, I acknowledge the path, the light that shines through me guiding the way and promise to release it on the rest of the world. I'm coming for you all...


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